Information on software and computing in the ABP group can be found in the dedicated ABP Computing Webpage:
ABP Computing Panel (ABP-CP)
- The Accelerator and Beam Physics Computing Panel (ABP-CP) is responsible for the software tools for accelerator and beam physics developed in the BE-ABP atCERN. It defines the roadmap and provides recommendations for strategic software and hardware choices, in order to fulfill the needs related to:
- the operation of CERN accelerators;
- upgrade plans (HL-LHC);
- design studies for future accelerators.
The ABP-CP follows up the development and maintenance of the tools, ensuring an appropriate coordination and prioritization of the activities.
It identifies the needs for hardware resources (e.g. batch computing, HPC clusters, GPUs) and coordinates the exploitation of the available computing facilities
It liaises with the IT department and external computing centers, concerning the hardware resources and services, and with the controls and operations groups, concerning tools for machine studies and follow-up (e.g. operational displays, data analytics, machine learning).
MAD - Methodical Accelerator Design:
SixTrack – 6D Tracking Code:
Summary of impedance models of the CERN machines:
Optics repository: