CERN Accelerating science

ABP Computing

Friday, February 26, 2021 - 13:41




Information on software and computing in the ABP group can be found in the dedicated ABP Computing Webpage:

ABP Computing Panel (ABP-CP)

  • The Accelerator and Beam Physics Computing Panel (ABP-CP) is responsible for the software tools for accelerator and beam physics developed in the BE-ABP atCERN. It defines the roadmap and provides recommendations for strategic software and hardware choices, in order to fulfill the needs related to: 
    1. the operation of CERN accelerators; 
    2. upgrade plans (HL-LHC); 
    3. design studies for future accelerators.
  • The ABP-CP follows up the development and maintenance of the tools, ensuring an appropriate coordination and prioritization of the activities.

  • It identifies the needs for hardware resources (e.g. batch computing, HPC clusters, GPUs) and coordinates the exploitation of the available computing facilities

  • It liaises with the IT department and external computing centers, concerning the hardware resources and services, and with the controls and operations groups, concerning tools for machine studies and follow-up (e.g. operational displays, data analytics, machine learning).


MAD - Methodical Accelerator Design:

SixTrack – 6D Tracking Code: 

Summary of impedance models of the CERN machines: 

Optics repository: