The HSL Section is responsible for:
- Primary particles production for the CERN Accelerator Complex.
- Supervision of the proton (Linac2) and ion (Linac 3) Linacs and the planning, coordination and execution of the installation and maintenance.
- Safety follow-up of the Linacs and associated buildings.
- Operation and development of the duoplasmatron for light (hydrogen) ions, ECR for high charge heavy ions and development of a negative hydrogen source for Linac 4.
- Beam-dynamics calculations for Hadron Linacs, and co-ordination and support of the commissioning of Linac4.
- Supervision and support of the low-energy radioactive ion Penning trap and EBIS charge breeder at REX-ISOLDE.
- Layout definition and beam dynamics studies for new hadron LINACs , e.g. medical linacs.
- Development and maintenance of multiparticle tracking codes for design and beam dynamics simulation of Linacs and transfer lines in the presence of space charge effects.