
Incoherent Effects (INC)

The Incoherent effects (INC) Section is responsible for theoretical, numerical and experimental studies and proposals for the mitigation of interleaved incoherent multi-particle effects (e.g. space charge, beam-beam, intra-beam scattering, e-cloud, cooling) affecting the performance of present and future circular accelerators.
The Incoherent effects (INC) Section is responsible for theoretical, numerical and experimental studies and proposals for the mitigation of interleaved incoherent multi-particle effects (e.g. space charge, beam-beam, intra-beam scattering, e-cloud, cooling) affecting the performance of present and future circular accelerators.

Coherent Effects and Impedance (CEI)

The Hadron Synchrotron Coherent effects (HSC) section provides expertise in the field of impedance computation and optimization, and multi-particle (collective) effects to study the coherent effects.
The Hadron Synchrotron Coherent effects (HSC) section provides expertise in the field of impedance computation and optimization, and multi-particle (collective) effects to study the coherent effects.

Hadron Sources and Linacs (HSL)

The Hadron Sources and Linacs section is responsible for the production of primary particles for the CERN accelerator complex, studying and supervising the sources and the linacs.
The Hadron Sources and Linacs section is responsible for the production of primary particles for the CERN accelerator complex, studying and supervising the sources and the linacs.

Lepton Accelerators and Facilities (LAF)

The Lepton Accelerators and Facilities (LAF) section provides expertise in the field of lepton accelerators design, commissioning and operation, including accelerator test facilities
The Lepton Accelerators and Facilities (LAF) section provides expertise in the field of lepton accelerators design, commissioning and operation, including accelerator test facilities

Linear and Non-Linear Optics (LNO)

The Linear and Non-Linear Optics section is in charge of the machine optics design, implementation, measurement and correction throughout the CERN synchrotrons as well as future machines.
The Linear and Non-Linear Optics section is in charge of the machine optics design, implementation, measurement and correction throughout the CERN synchrotrons as well as future machines.

Non-Linear Dynamics and Collimation (NDC)

The Non-Linear Dynamics and Collimation Section in BE-ABP:

- Carries out theoretical and experimental non-linear beam dynamics studies aimed at improving the performance of CERN present and future circular accelerators, in particular in terms of particle diffusion, lifetime, and beam loss management.

The Non-Linear Dynamics and Collimation Section in BE-ABP:

- Carries out theoretical and experimental non-linear beam dynamics studies aimed at improving the performance of CERN present and future circular accelerators, in particular in terms of particle diffusion, lifetime, and beam loss management.

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