The Accelerators and Beam Physics Group is responsible for studying and understanding the beam dynamics over the complete CERN Accelerator Complex through theoretical, simulation and experimental studies. The group provides input and support for machine operations, devising settings and scenarios to optimize the machine performance. It is also responsible for working out concepts and ideas for future accelerators.
The group is organized in five sections responsible for the hadron sources and linear accelerators, optics and single particle dynamics, coherent and incoherent collective effects throughout the CERN circular accelerators and the design and operation of lepton accelerators (e.g. CLIC) and test facilities (e.g. CTF3). Across all sections, the group is responsible for the development, deployment, maintenance and support accelerator physics computer codes. All efforts linked to code development and deployment are coordinated by the ABP Computing Working Group.
The group organizes Machine Development studies in the LHC and its Injectors and contributes to the operation of the CERN Accelerator Complex providing machine supervisors and coordinators. It closely collaborates with other groups for the different upgrade projects such as the LHC Injectors Upgrade or HL-LHC and for Future Hadron Colliders studies (FCC)
Finally, the group is strongly involved in teaching activities at international schools and courses (e.g. CAS, JUAS, USPAS, CERN High School Teachers Programmes, CERN Summer Student Programme, etc.) as well as in collaborating with universities across the world to provide research projects for the education and training of the next generation of accelerator physicists.